Be sure to read the SCIENCE NEWS each week.
- Choose a current article to write about in your blog post each Wednesday night.
- Be sure to include the title of the article, the author, the date it was written and the link to the article.
- Take notes as you read the article to be sure that you are paraphrasing and not just copy-pasting.
- Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If it's someone elses words, you need to use quotation marks and put the persons name at the end in parentheses who said it.
- Remember, the minimum is 200 words for your blog post, but your goal is to improve your writing each time.
- Read other classmates posts, and even Grade 6 or 8 student posts if you'd like. Comment on at least two student's blogs each week by Sunday night.
- When responding to a blog:
Read a selection of your classmates’ postings. As you read their responses, note those to which you would like to respond with advice, questions, comments, and/or encouragement for improvement.
Respond to two or more of your classmate's postings in any of the following ways:
- Provide feedback
- Ask a question
- Share an insight - (A connection or thought)
- Offer an opinion
- Make a suggestion
- Note a similarity or difference to your posting
Return to your post in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Reflect on what you learned and/or any insights you gained, and how these comments improve your writing. You do not have to write this, you are welcome to comment back on your post to help you remember for next week of what you wanted to improve.
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